From the moment I awaken in the morning my first thoughts are about where I will be going for the day. I like to have a destination for the day whether it be as simple as a trip to the grocery store or a day trip to a nearby town.
Recently I found this website called As I navigated the site I became aware of just how many parks the Austin area has. There is a park on almost every corner...some better than others.
I decided that my goal for the year would be to visit every single park in Travis County. After all, parks are fun for everybody...especially the parks around here. Even in the most undesirable parts of Austin the parks are equipped with adequate playground equipment and abundant hiking trails.
This week I decided to start off with the parks closest to my home that I have not visited yet and move outward.
Today it was Austin's Colony Park just a few miles down the road. This park happens to be nestled on the banks of the Colorado. I love a park on the water and plentiful hiking trails so I was excited about checking it out.
Although I thought this park had a real cool factor for being on the river and it had a decent playground and plenty of open space, I couldn't imagine it a park families seek out for weekly playdates. Then again, first impressions are sometimes decieving. Even so, while we were there I saw a couple of prophylactics laying on the ground around the playground and imagined the playground was probably used more for teenagers in heat than a child's play area.
I also noticed the area over the bluff along the river had a few makeshift campsites that were probably used as a breeding ground for some party folks to drink beer and roll in the hay with their special someones.
Luckily we were the only ones there today so it was quite and pleasant...another benefit of having your 'weekend' in the middle of the week.
Here are some pics of our day at the park...
After we left the park I had to stop by my friend Robin's to grab an item I was borrowing. When we got there her animal vet was there about to sew one of the baby goats eyelid outward. Without going into to details about the procedure I'm including a link explaining Entropion for anyone interested.
Toby was the lucky guy who got to hold the kid while the doc sewed his eyelid. I was excited about Summer getting a hands on experience with an actual medical procedure. It became apparent that she wasn't as interested in witnessing the procedure as we were wanting her to. I think she was a bit grossed out because of the needle being so close to the goats eye. O'well, we can scratch medical proffession being her forte.
Never a dull day.
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