The more I thought about it the more I was determined not to let the "have to's" take over our weekend. I finagled a bit and integrated some fun into an errand day.
Toby had to make his monthly trip to the medical supply store and I wanted to check out some pop-up campers - my latest obsession - in nearby Buda, Texas. It was a toasty day so I decided that I would research swimming holes in the Buda area and we would take an afternoon dip after our have to's were done.
I don't know much about Buda other than we looked at a couple of houses there when we first moved to Austin. I totally relied on the Internet to offer me direction for a swimming hole in the slightly unfamiliar territory.
I found one near the r.v place called Five Mile Dam. It was a shot in the dark but I figured at best we could say we had been there done that.
True to form, when we drove up we got the old familiar river gone dry that is so common to this area. Luckily there was enough river left that the "kids" were able to splash around and cool off.
I could tell this is a place that's really nice when the river is up. I plan on going back one day to explore more of the area.
Here you can see how much of the river is dried up...
Bo loves to swim but he is so heavy that he loses strength after he's been paddling for a while. He will swim to the first person he gets to and use them as a perch until he rests a minute...
A farm on the way out of the park area. I love the way the cows and horses look when they are grazing out in the field....
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