I woke up this morning a bit cranky. Even my morning run didn't put a damper on my mood. I think I must have had so much fun while my out of town family was here that I hated to see the fun end so soon...I'm spoiled, I know.
Anyway, we try to do at least one activity a week that Bo can participate in and today was the day. I was so ill that I was not offering any suggestions and shooting down everything Toby suggested. Put bluntly, I was just being a hard to get along with Bitch.
Finally, I agreed reluctantly to head to Barton Springs. Not that I don't like Barton Springs, but it's 102 degrees and all the creeks are dried up. Hiking in the heat along a dry creek did not sound appealing in the least to me.
Once we got there we headed along the the very hot, 1/2 mile unshaded path towards Campell's Hole. I tried to make the best of it and walk leisurely along with Summer while Toby and Bo trekked way ahead to check on the condition of the creek.
Shortly after, here they come back down the path Toby gesturing that the hole was bone dry...just as we suspected. We headed straight back to Barton Springs toward the free part where dogs are allowed and people that are too cheap to pay the $3 dollar entrance fee into the actual spring area go.
On a hot day the ice cold spring water feels like heaven!! After sitting there watching Bo and Toby interact with all the people and dogs and Summer exploring the water my mood began to lift considerably and I was glad that I agreed on this particular destination.
I mostly sat on a rock ledge in the water and took pictures. Here are just a few to share....
See that guy in the back round of this pic? He's playing a flute of some kind. It took me forever to figure out what the noise I kept hearing in my "peripheral" hearing was. For whatever reason, folks like to hang out on the banks of the creeks and play their musical instruments. There was a guy on the other side of the creek playing a guitar...
Summer devouring a snack from the snack stand while Bo takes a cat nap after all the activity..
I had such a pleasant time that the springs are on my agenda for next week...that is if I don't come up with something more interesting to do before then..
It looks wonderful! The perfect place for a hot summer day.