I decided to incorporate a little fun into our motorcycle shopping. Since the motorcycle shop we visited today was in San Marcos I decided to squeeze in a trip to the Aquarena Center also located in San Marcos. This place has an interesting history you can view here.

I have to say the Aquarena is well worth visiting. Since living in Central Texas I have taken an absolute love to the spring waters, creeks, and lakes in the area. We rode on a glass bottom boat where you could see clear to the bottom of Spring Lake. It was BEAUTIFUL!! It looked so crisp and clear and you could see the springs bubbling up from the aquifer at the bottom. It was amazing to actually see it seeping up from underground.
We also saw flowers blooming below the lake. We were told this is one of the only places in the world where flowers bloom underwater. The water is so crystal clear that it tricks the flower into blooming...amazing.
This will be another instance where my camera can't possibly capture the beauty that being there does. This is looking down into the glass bottom...

I snapped this pic of a bird from inside the boat. The guide claimed the bird could swim....

Random pics....

This is the wetland area of the Spring Lake...

By the end of the day I was grateful for another beautiful day in the great state of Texas!!
Wow, looks like a wonderful adventure ....... but .... did he find a bike?