Arkansas Bend left none of us disappointed. Matter of fact, it has been our favorite so far.
If you are looking for seclusion with a tropical isle feel this is the place. A slice of heaven for sure...especially for folks that like to avoid crowds.
Enjoy my pics of the day....

As we were leaving the lake we snapped a pic of this totem pole in someone's front yard. I believe this is the first time in my life that I have ever seen a "live" totem pole....

Another unwasted, beautiful day in Central Texas!!!
Reminds me of a place we use to go back in the early 70's. I had a ski boat then and almost every summer day we'd head to Lake Travis after work and to ski and drink beer. When I say we, it'd be anyone who wanted to go. Spent a lot of weekends camping up little creeks with deep Bermuda grass shores. Such a shock to see the Google satellite images of Lake Travis now -- so much shoreline showing. Those shoals just up the lake from the dam were never out of the water -- that was all just open lake. Use to be a derrick on the highest one -- that's all you could see so you'd know to steer clear with the boat.