Saturday, June 15, 2019

Meandering Along Brushy Creek

Last week Skye bought a new bike and since her and Toby were both off on Tuesday we decided to go for a bike ride to Brushy Creek Trail.

It ended up Toby could only fit two bikes in the back of the truck. I was secretly relieved that I would be able to just walk the trail instead of having to ride it. I much prefer walking to riding because I can utilize my camera better and I'm able to stop and smell the roses.

Plus, they both would have smoked me on the trail, and I would have been lagging five miles behind anyway. I'm like a turtle, I don't do much of any fast.

Here are some beauties I saw along the trail...

This Pecan Tree was covered in silk worms. Skye said it creeped her out...

I also got to explore some of the little trails that led to the creek, something I've never been able to do before....

There was this really cool plant that was seeding....

It was a really nice day and I think Skye enjoyed riding her bike, although Toby's bike tire blew out at the end of the trail and he had to run his bike back to the truck for five miles. He didn't seem to mind though, he said it was a good workout.

The next day Toby and I walked downtown. Downtown is our go-to when we are either short on time or can't think of anywhere else to go. We like it there because we get a good mixture of urban and nature hiking and have many different routes to choose from so it never gets boring...

There was a whole bale of turtles at Lou Neff Point. Yes, I had to look up what a group of turtles is called. Learn something new every day, I suppose....

The other night we had a storm roll in with hurricane force winds. They were clocked up to 80mph in my area. After the storm, there was a wonderful light show, rainbow and strange hue in the sky. Me and Skye went out to enjoy it....

This is the rainbow when it was first forming in the dark sky. You can even tell the odd color the sky was in this photo....

Lucas and Emily will be here for the 4th. I'm looking forward to their visit.

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