Friday, September 27, 2019

Galveston - Business/Pleasure

I know my post titles are beginning to get redundant, but alas, Galveston is where we've spent most of our time this summer.

Toby and I headed back for one last trip of the year...we we could get a little R&R and doing a little investment shopping. Our long term plan is to eventually retire in Galveston so we've been taking a look at properties.

Austin has gotten a little too big for it's britches and the older we get the less we enjoy endless traffic and the bad attitudes Austin has to offer. It's a "young" city made for young people and families, and we aren't getting any younger.

Galveston reminds me of "home"...the coast, friendly people, and a laid back atmosphere without all the rat race. It also puts us closer to family, without having to move out of Texas. It's a happy medium.

Soooooo.....we spent most of our evenings chilling on the beach...

Enjoying adult beverages....

We walked around Galveston searching for the "Tree Sculptures".....


We checked out Seawolf Park. Nothing to see there but a nice playground. I did get to capture some photos of the Ferry we rode on the last time we were there....

The Ferry

Some more beautiful architecture around town....


We also spent some time looking at properties while we were there. I hated to have to leave. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, what a beautiful beach. I think I would be happy living there too. Looking forward to more posts when you move.
    Love the dog in the cap sculpture, it was funny.
    By the way I wrote a post dedicated to you just now.
    Have a happiness kind of day :)
