Monday, July 6, 2020

Galveston 2020

Last week we took an impromptu trip to Galveston. It was a nice little getaway, but as I get older I much prefer to stay closer to home. The allure of travel is no longer in my mindset.I feel like it's more work than pleasure. I suppose if I ever in this lifetime got to travel just Toby and I, it may feel different.

While we were there we visited the Moody Mansion.....

We also visited the Moody Gardens Aquarium....

And of course, swam. Well....they swam, mama doesn't get in water where there are known attack creatures especially when I can't see when they're coming....

I'm glad we went when we did, because the day after we left they shut the beaches down. I'm sure that disappointed the miles of traffic that we saw headed in the opposite direction towards the beach.

1 comment:

  1. What a stunning home, wow.
    The beach looked very inviting as well, nothing like a refreshing dip in the ocean.
