Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Walnut Creek

Yesterday Toby and I went on a walk on Walnut Creek. It was an interesting walk, a new portion of the trail we had never been on. To break of the monotony of a trail we like to sometimes explore the little splinter trails off of the main trail. It usually never disappoints.

The creek was not as dry as we expected it to be, it's usually bone dry by this time of year...

Interesting, creepy little thing tucked away in a tree...


Here are a couple of pics from my morning trail walks...

Grandma's Corner...

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I have followed your blog in the years before I moved here - and then I think you took it private for a while. I moved to Lockhart June 2018 and just today found your blog again and was so happy to read up on the past two years! I got my tattoos from Toby about five years ago.
