Saturday, April 4, 2015


Our morning walks this week led to some pretty wildflower sightings. Not as many as I would like, but Spring has just began so I'm sure I will have more to add to my collection soon.

Texas takes great pride in their Bluebonnets...hence, them being our state flower I suppose....

A hike through the disc golf trail at East Metro Park....

At the park I also came across this very pretty flowering tree......

On our morning walk around the neighborhood we passed this large patch.....

We also came upon some Primrose. I think these are almost as pretty as the Bluebonnets....

My hummingbirds are also back along with our bat family that like to use our pool as their watering hole. They can drink as much as they like since they help keep the mosquito population to a minimum.

We spend as much time as possible outdoors at this time of year.

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