Thursday, September 7, 2017

Lost Creek

A few years ago Toby and I went in search of the Lost Creek Falls Trail, and although we found some falls and a trail, it wasn't the one we were looking for.

The other day one of his co-workers mentioned she had gone there so it got our interest sparked again.

This time, with proper directions, we managed to locate it.

Not far into the path we came to the creek you have to pass over to get to the actual trail that leads you down to the falls....

The hike to get to the creek is about a mile and a half, but it's a shady, dirt path that's really easy to maneuver....

Lots of beauty berry along the way....

We reached the falls....

We hung around the falls for awhile, until some moms' with a hoard of kids showed up. Even though the kids put an end to the serenity of the falls, I couldn't be mad because they were having a blast. I thought how lucky kids are that get to grow up in a city with so many outdoor amenities.

We decided to explore around in search of some other more private areas. We took a trail that hugged the side of a cliff....

We came upon some other swimming spots with rope swings....

...and upon another small waterfall.....

Toby and I regretted we didn't wear our swimming attire. The day was absolutely beautiful, and it turned out a lot warmer than what we thought it was going to be. The water was also not as cold as it is closer to the springs, so it felt really nice.

Lost Creek Falls is worth the hike.

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