Saturday, November 24, 2018

November Rain

A good portion of November has been cold and rainy, therefore inhibiting our outdoor adventures. That said, I've really enjoyed the gloom this year. I suppose it's because I'm getting older, but the cold and rain gives me permission to cozy up on my sofa with Netflix and a crochet hook. I enjoy being at home more than anything, these days as opposed to out avoiding aggressive drivers and long commute times.

I did meet up with my friend Angela, her clan at the local park. It's been awhile since I had been there, so it was really nice to venture around it. Walking in nature is good for the soul, I wish more people spent time outdoors romping around in nature, I think it would do the world some good.

I was a little disappointed to see they had put up a barrier around my old shack. A sure sign that my little private oasis no longer going to be just mine. More people, means more rules and more mass control. Loss of freedom...

The farm cows were out. The kids were really good at luring the young ones to the fence...

Toby and I had to go downtown to grab Bo another chew toy at GREAT OUTDOGS. Bo is a huge dog with a lot of chewing power, so those little sissy chew toys found at Walmart, Petco, etc. last less than a day with him. Great Oudogs has the best selection of chew toys for powerful dogs.

I just can't help myself of taking a zillion pictures when we're downtown. Austin is such a picturesque city. I love the way the leaves are changing this time of year, and I'm pretty sure my phone is not capturing the real beauty...


We ventured into The Capitol.  I remember the day you could just walk in and nobody batted an eye. Now you have to go through security. Again...loss of freedom.

I thought they may have had their beautiful Christmas trees up, and I wanted photos. I'm supposing the Capitol keeps to tradition and waits until after Thanksgiving before they erect their decor....

On the way back to the car, we walked through an area we've never walked before. There were some beautiful old homes turned into businesses now....

Here are some other random photos I took throughout the month. I think these are the seeds from the Osage Orange tree. They fall from the trees every year. I think they are so cool looking....

Bo's paw....

Someone in our neighborhood has a lime tree. They've turned yellow now, but I can't believe how full and beautiful the tree is....

When animals take over your sleeping quarters....

My purple shirt matched my purple margarita....

I cried when I found this picture recently,  because I thought they were lost and gone forever. Back when we just had a regular camera, Toby had taken Lucas's graduation pics off and transferred them to the computer. He thought he had not saved them because he couldn't find them after he downloaded them. Apparently, something had gone awry, because when I found them the other night, they looked like they had been corrupted somehow, hence the reason Skye's head is cut off from this pic of me, Lucas and his friend Mike after Lucas graduated....

Beautiful lizard friend on the rose...

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