Sunday, March 31, 2019

Flowers, Faires, and Birthday Festivities

Last week Toby and I went to the Zilker Botanical Garden. I had not been there in a few years and was wanting to see all the spring flowers in bloom. It must have been a bit too early in the spring for all of the flowers to be in bloom, but there were still some pretty sights...






I don't ever remember being able to see downtown from the gardens, I believe they've cut back the trees to add the view....

We celebrated Skye's 18th birthday last week. I have to confess I feel a new found sense of freedom now that my legal responsibility sentence is over.

She's not big on photos, but I scrounged up a few of her latest ones to share.

Liana came for a visit a couple of weeks ago. Not sure about this on/off relationship. Friends? Lovers? Don't really know, don't really care, but they are cute together...

Headed out to eat for her birthday dinner of her choosing..Red Lobster. You can tell she wasn't in a posing mood...

After dinner her and Toby drove up to the shop for her first tattoo. It's a quote, I don't remember exactly what it is, but it's a quote from one of her favorite TV actresses.

Do I care that she got a tattoo? No, don't care, none of my business. I've always just let my kids make their own decisions, it seems to have worked out best that way for me and them....

Yesterday, we made our yearly trip to the Sherwood Forest Faire. Our friends Dean and Ruben joined us this year, so it made it a bit more fun.

The weather was projected to warm, so I donned myself on a tank top and pair of shorts, Skye was dressed in a light weight sleeveless sundress. About an hour into the day, Mother Nature decided it was winter again, and blew in some cool weather 10 degrees colder than we expected. Other than freezing to death, it was a pretty fun day...

The Tree is always my favorite character...

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