Monday, March 9, 2020

Meeting LUKE

Last week Toby and I took the long drive to Alabama to meet our new grand baby, Luke. We broke up our trip there and stopped off in Lake Charles for the night for a little adult time at the casino. It was nice to hang out with Toby like we used to when we were first together...I didn't realize how much I miss that freedom...

But alas, the casino was not our friend, but we managed to get out of there before it was too late! Luckily, Toby won back most of the money we lost and we scrammed.

Little Luke was even cuter in person than in his photos. He was so tiny, but very strong. He's also a good baby with no dramatics so that made him even more appealing. I can tell he's going to be one of those laid back, easy babies...they got lucky!

Luke's first bath....

We also visited Toby's brother while we were there. Charlie's kids really loved Toby!

And I can't close this post without a big shout out to Bo. He's the best traveling dog ever. He travels better than any kid I've ever had...

It was a short trip, and as much as I miss my extended family, I'm always ready to get back home.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful little bundle of joy! Beautiful photos of such a tiny person.
    Love that last photo of a snoozing Bo.
