Saturday, December 26, 2020


Most people have viewed and experienced the 2020 pandemic as traumatic - understandably so in many cases.

For myself, aside from the little annoyances of the pandemic like finding toilet paper and dealing with that ridiculous mask, I've had the best year I've had in a few years.

My first little grandbaby, Luke came into the world in February of 2020 and in January of 2020 we bought our "forever home" close to the trails where I always dreamed of being.

The year has been good to us. We've all remained healthy, despite the fact that we've been leading our lives as sane, normal people the whole year...eating in restaurants, going shopping, traveling out of town, visiting with family, etc.

All that said, I have decided to end my blog posts. Since we have moved I keep myself a lot busier with life and don't really have much time anymore for detailed posts about our lives...not that I think anyone even reads my blog anymore, but for those who have been interested enough in my life and it's goings on through the last decade or so, I will keep my blog open, you just won't see any more posts.

I have been uploading my photos onto Instagram though, so if you'd like to follow along in pics, here is my Instagram link.

I hope everyone has a wonderful new year. 

Peace Out, 


1 comment:

  1. I will miss your blog. I had been wondering what was happening in your realm.
    I too have had a great 2020, nothing changed here at all.
    I will see if I can follow your future on Instagram although I don't have it myself.
    Happy journeys
