Sunday, November 3, 2013

Glimpsing OCTOBER

I got this palm from the dump (Austin landfill resale store) a couple of years ago. I brought it home and Lucas helped me plant it. I hate weeding around it because I always get pronged, but it produces the prettiest flowers in the spring and fall.

Skye took this pic of this spider with babies on her back. I don't really like varmints, but I do my best to live and let live....especially mother's with children.

I spotted this praying mantis stalking a grasshopper. I wondered if he wanted to eat the grasshopper or was letting it lead him to the food source.

Halloween Decor

A bird of Walmart....

My latest quilts. I was feeling creative but wanted something that didn't draw me into a whole lot of time so I made baby quilts from gently used sheets, pillowcases, and pajama pants from the thrift stores.

Dinner. It was simple, healthy, and also very good!!

A rose from my rose bush. I've never been a rose fan until I moved to Texas. Apparently they are popular here for whatever reason....maybe the soil ?....and most everybody has a bush or two, or three in their yard. My friend Robin tells me they are supposed to be pruned a particular way but the simplistic side of me just lets them grow wild and free.

On the way home from errands one day Skye spotted this rainbow. I had her take a pic of it from inside the car. 

An October sunset

The many poses of Bo....

Begging Mode

Yes, I think I am a God.

Sphinx Pose
Halloween Eve. Carving the pumpkin is always the highlight of the holiday...

Prepping for roasted pumpkin seeds

Oh! And Toby and I went to Halloween haunted house this year. Skye has never been interested in going to a haunted house after we took her to one the Coast Guard put on on a boat docked at the Mobile Bay when she was around 3 years old. I think we traumatized her because that thing was even scary to me!!

So now that she is old enough to stay home alone Toby and I did the haunted maze at the J. Lorraine Ghost Town close to our house. I'm not sure about Toby, but I had a BLAST! 

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