Thursday, November 7, 2019

McKinney Roughs

Another nice day, called for another hike. This time we headed to McKinney Roughs, it's been a good ten years or more since we've been there.

The trail was steep and hilly for the most part, so we got in another good leg workout. A lot of decent views along the way....


After about a mile downhill trek we made it to the Colorado River. It was so serene and pretty...

A good portion of the trail meandered along the river....

I absolutely fell in love with these little cacti. I had never seen this type before, aren't they so cute?!

Here's my map of the loop we made...

It's been an amazing couple of days enjoying the beautiful outdoors, thank you Mother Nature for cooperating with us.


  1. I love these walks Laura, it is really interesting to see the native bush/forests from your part of the world.
    Again I was so inspired to get my shoes on and come and join you. Those cactus are so tiny, really cute.

  2. Were you tempted to take one of the little cacti? I actually caught a woman taking cuttings out of my gardens! I would have said yes had she asked, but to just jump in and take them was really cheeky!

    1. No, I didn't even think about it!! lol. My mama raised me right, so no I left it there where it belonged.
