Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Copperfield Nature Trail

Another beautiful day was spent with some outdoor hiking. The Copperfield Nature Trail is never crowded and very peaceful...

See anything hiding in the brush?
The trail ended at a portion of Walnut Creek we had never hiked, so we hiked along the creek for awhile until the trail ended into a neighborhood.

Penny Lane

We looped on around out of the neighborhood onto the main road until we made it back to our car. It was a nice hike.

Here's a little extra photo I took of a piece of fruit from the Osage Orange Tree that are popular in our area. Kids usually like to throw them like baseballs where you'll find them splattered all over the streets....

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful walk at a place that brought peace even through the photos. That orange is a work of art. Mother nature is extremely creative!
