Thursday, February 14, 2019

Purgatory Creek Natural Area

Today we drove out of town a bit to San Marcos for our weekly hike to Purgatory Creek Natural Area. There are several different trails that intertwine through the preserve, so, not being familiar with any of them, we just started walking.

The entrance to the trail...

We ended up hiking the Beatrice Trail. This particular trail ran alongside Purgatory Creek and a huge dam....


This appeared to be part of an old road. We were going to explore it more, but there were some people down inside of it....

It was a really pretty hike. A nice and shady trail with a lot of greenery...

I love this Lamb's Ear plant. The leaves are so soft....

Purgatory Creek. This section of the creek was bone dry...

You can't tell it from this pic, but this was a really steep hill to climb up...

Spanish moss. You don't see much moss like this around here. Made me miss Alabama just a bit...

There are about 10 miles of trails through area, we only hiked close to four. We plan to go back and explore the Dante Trail next time...

It was a good hike. I would recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting name for the park. Seems to indicate that the hike would be hell?
