Thursday, February 28, 2019


Yesterday, Toby and I took a day trip to Boerne, Texas. Pronounced "Bernie" for those of you reading who aren't familiar with some of our strange named Texas cities.

We first stopped and checked out the Cibolo Nature Center.....

There were some real dino tracks....

And a lookout. Not sure what it was a lookout for because there was nothing but trees surrounding it....

The Cibolo Creek was really beautifully with all the old Cypress Trees....


Toby displaying his "sexy"  pose, it would be a lot better if he'd drop those white socks he wears...

Next, we drove on to Market Street in Boerne. There was a nice park trail that ran through the city. We only walked half of the trail because we didn't realize until we were leaving that it continued on underneath the street bridge....

The ducks were so much fun to watch....


We walked up to the main street and walked it too....

This restaurant table had swings as chairs, how cool is that?!!


This tree looked cool to me because it was white...

Here a couple of short videos of our day....

It was a fun day, although there was a wreck on 35 that delayed our trip home by an hour.

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed that walk with you. What a beautiful and interesting place.
