Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Weekly Update

Not much been going on this week but the usual. We have been doing ALOT of "spring cleaning". Since we are only going to be carrying one load "cross country" we don't want any extra stuff...only bare essentials.

Since we have taken the pool down and it's somewhat cooler, I have resumed walking again. It gives Summer a chance to ride her bike and gives me some excercise.....we call it P.E.

We haven't had many people looking at our house lately, but we have noticed that the houses around here have been starting to sell again. We are really not to stressed on it yet anyway. We will be having some inheritance come in Jan. plus our taxes so we would rather it sell closer to the beginning of 2008. We know that it will all work out either way.

We have decided that soon, we will be taking a trip to Austin to check out the territory and make sure that we get the "feel". We also want to look at the neighborhoods and Toby wants to check out some of the shops. I'm sure the 7 or so hour drive will be a stressful thing with a active 6 year old in tow. Summer can't even hardly take 3 hour drives!

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