Monday, January 17, 2011

Falling Off The Face of the Earth

Goodness gracious!! I'm sure by now what little readers I did have have forgotten all about me or just plain given up on my return.

There have been many bloggable happenings while I have been away and I am looking forward to putting them on paper for my own therapy and reflection more than anything. Blogging gives me an internal sounding board and I have missed the company.

Without boring you with the thousands of details that had me fall off the face of the earth for the past few weeks I'll just start from where I left off.

So my son, Lucas, made it for Christmas. The weather was cold and dreary...I guess like the weather is suppose to be during that time of year. I mention the weather because we are all outdoorsy types and most of our family activities depend on sunshine and tolerable temps. After all, we are southern born and southern bred. :-)

Opening presents. I'm making note to myself for next year to either give money or take a family vacation together...

Imagine the men's disappointment when they discovered that my oven decided to die on Christmas morning of all mornings. It was very interesting preparing Christmas dinner in between the toaster oven and microwave oven....

One of the things I love most about my son is he is always willing to get on the floor and play with his sister no matter what it is. Brotherly love....

"Mama's Little Yelper"...

If it had not had been so cold we probably could have had a little more fun with Summer's new tent. I was surprised to find that it was fairly warm inside the tent though....

Luckily the temps warmed up enough in the next couple of days to get outdoors....stay tuned...

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