Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me

On July 23 I turned 49 years young. When Toby told me that we could do ANYTHING I wanted for my birthday I have to admit I got a little excited. Opening the shop has taken up most of our time with all work and no play for the past couple of months so when I was given free reign to pick something fun to do for a day a million ideas popped into my head at once....thrifting, going to see The Conjuring at the movie theatre, a local winery, etc.

Even though it was MY birthday I wanted to do something Toby and Skye would enjoy also. If other people around me aren't having fun then I'm not of my weird idiosyncrasies.

So after careful thought I decided on Barton Creek. I had just recently received a new map I had ordered of the hiking trail along the creek and I wanted to check out some areas of the creek we have not hiked. I love the outdoors, hiking, and the creek and so does Toby...and Skye can always be lured to the creek as long as we have drinking water and snacks, and it has rained recently enough for the water to be flowing in the creek. And of course Bo is always happy to jump in the car no matter where we are going.

First we stopped at Taco Cabana for lunch. When we go to the creek and have Bo we always eat at Taco Cabana because they have an outdoor patio that is pet friendly....

We parked in an access spot that we had never parked before. The hike down to the creek was about a half mile or so. When I say DOWN I do mean DOWN. The whole way I was thinking what a workout that hill was going to be going back up....and it was!!!!! It was called the "Hill of Life" on my handy dandy map...I think it should have been called the "Hill of Death"

Resting on the creek side...

This was such a peaceful spot....

Bo catching fish

Rocks in the water are very careful!!

Toby relaxing on the falls

Even though I immensely missed Lucas being here this year we did spend some time on Facetime together in the evening hours.

I have good memories to look back on for my 49th birthday. It's always the simplest things that make my heart happy.

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