Thursday, June 4, 2015

Broken Record

I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record about Bull Creek, but for the purpose of personal and photo documentation I'm adding this last post.

Toby was not able to join us yesterday so I insisted we go back today and bring Bo along. I want to take full advantage of  the beautiful weather and flowing creeks while we have the chance.

We traveled a little farther down the creek than what I did with friends yesterday....

We came across this big guy. I was a little nervous to get close to him but the closer I got it appeared that he was dead...or not responding to me being so close. Interestingly enough, he was gone on our way back. I suppose he was just very good at playing "dead"...

This was a nice little swimming hole, deep enough to actually swim in. So crisp and clear....

Another little waterfall at the end of our journey. We could have walked farther but it looked like it was a little deep to walk and the trail had ended...

Bo making sure daddy doesn't get too far out of his eyesight

Some pretty flowers....what were they called again, Angela?? :-) A little inside joke here....

I believe these are called Dragon Beards....

It was a beautiful day. I think this is now my favorite creek trail.

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