Saturday, July 28, 2018

Birthday Week

On July 23 I turned the page to 54. Not a milestone birthday, once you get past 50 you know you're just going downhill from there anyway. The best you can do at this point is hang on for the rest of the ride down the other side.

Toby surprised me by taking off work early and bringing home a bottle of joy (liquor) where we happily hung out in the pool the rest of the evening. Skye calls us alcoholics, we just call it putting a little fun into an otherwise hum drum kind of life. Plus, it's hot as blazes, so it's put a damper on hiking/biking.

We're just resuming what we used to do together before raising her delayed our 'adult fun' for awhile. She didn't know us when we were real people, she just sees us as mom and dad. It's weird how kids don't view their parents as having needs and desires, past life experiences, or feelings.....

Skye was in a funk because her girlfriend has just left that day before for basic training in the military. They have big plans for when she gets out of basic. Teenagers. They don't realize that life sometimes doesn't work out like you plan for it too, and that people can change dramatically depending on who they're around and what kind of life experiences they're having. I have this feeling my 'little girl' is going to experience her first real heartbreak soon, and I feel so sad for her because I know how emotionally painful that first experience can be.

The next day, Toby and I hung out downtown. It's our favorite place to go in the heat of the summer because we can kill two birds with one stone...keeping cool and drinking. If you ever need to find us on our 'weekends' this is usually where we are. We're like the gang on Cheers down there, where everyone knows our name...


Last year we bought season passes for Six Flags. Honestly, I abhor those kind of places, I'd rather be going to the dentist for an extraction.

But Skye wanted to go since we had not gone yet this summer. I think she was trying to keep her mind off her girlfriend. Toby and Skye rode rides the whole time while I scoped out shady spots and people watched. I was so busy watching human behavior that I didn't take but one picture, this dark brown squirrel. The squirrel was actually the highlight of the day for me...

Watching animals makes me happy. My family says I love the dog more than I do them, it's not a far stretch to say that sometimes I do...

It was a nice birthday week, but I was ready for it to be over so I could rest. I'm no spring chicken anymore.

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