Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Mt. Bonnell

Today we visited an old favorite, Mt. Bonnell. The last time we were at Mt. Bonnell was about 10 years ago. Toby and I had remembered the steps up to the stop as being strenuous and long. We were surprised this time, they were a lot shorter than we remembered them to be, and our breath was intact by the time we got to the top. Toby even ran up them. We must have been in really bad physical shape back then. Moving to Austin and keeping active most likely extended our lives....

The top....

The views were beautiful, although a little more overgrown that what we remembered. The day was cloudy and very humid, so my pics probably aren't the best.....

We also explored some little trails at the top....

Next, we headed down to Mayfield Park and Preserve. The peacocks weren't very cooperative, but we did get a few pics of them...

The Mayfield house...

They were doing some maintenance, so we headed to the trails behind the park...

We came upon this boat house. I could live like this...on the water in a small room above a boat house. Such a simple life. It made me homesick for a place I use to live in Alabama called Bayou Sara. Me and my ex were always out in the boat exploring the water ways. This place reminded me a lot of Bayou Sara...

We heard water falling, and it sounded like a large water fall, but when we got to it, it was small...

It was such a humid day, we probably would have dove in if we had found a place to swim. So we just cooled off with a nice beverage afterwards...

Later on in the evening, me and Skye sat out at the pool and watched the sun set. I'm relishing these evening sunsets, because I know before long I'll be in hibernation mode.

At one time, you could see the full sky line, but now the trees have grown so much they are taking away our view of the city lights....

Even the animals enjoy hanging outside with us in the evenings....

We have a couple of bats that stay behind for the winter. They like to come drink out of the pool at dusk. I'm thinking they must live in the tunnel close by. We also saw some lightening bugs out last night, which I thought was very unusual for this time of year. Oh yes, and the mosquitoes.

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