Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lazy Sunday

...well, aren't Sunday's suppose to be lazy?? Actually, it's rare to ever find me being "lazy". Even when I may have the appearance of being lazy I am far from it. My mind is always contemplating my next move whether it be mentally throwing ideas around in my head for weekly meal plans or making note of the ceiling fan that needs to be vacuumed of dust and storing it in my mental list of things that need to be done within the next week, etc. etc. etc.

So this morning I prepared Toby bacon for breakfast....

 I've been trying to limit meat in our household for more reasons than one, but with Toby's gluten issues it gives him such a limited amount of food that he really enjoys that I like to "treat" him every so often with some of his favorite foods that he CAN still eat like bacon and homemade peanut butter cookies.

The other day while I was out walking Bo one of our neighbors was spring cleaning his garage and put an old iron skillet on the side of the road in a pile of other junk to be picked up. I scooped out the old, rusty iron skillet and toted it home with me to re-season it.  I already have a super large one that Robin gave me and another very small one that was my mom's. This one was a medium sized one that fit perfect with my clan of iron skillets. Southern folk love our iron skillets.

Skye contemplating whether it was hot enough to jump in the pool...nope, not yet...

My lush lawn I have worked really hard on.....

Toby has suggested we put a garden in this section of the backyard. If you could have only seen this section of my backyard a few years ago you would understand why I'm a little anal about ripping it out for a garden. When we first had our pool put it in there was a HUGE pile of clay that they half-ass packed down after the pool installation then came the drought where nothing but hoards of weeds grew that I had to meticulously pull out one by one for two years in a row until the grass finally took root this past summer.

Nope, not that section. Any other section is up for grabs, but not that one!!!

Then there is dang Bo in my flower garden again!! I had never thought about it before until today but when he lays in the garden he always lays right next to Brandi's grave (she's buried under the flower pot to the left of Bo) I wonder if there is some kind of dog from beyond the grave communication going on??? ;-) After all, I have discovered that Bo tolerates Chihuahua's attitudes very well....

Everything has thorns on it here...even the trees!! This is my Bois d'arc tree. I let it grow from wild in my yard because a man in the neighborhood once told me that the Native Americans would travel hundreds of miles to Oklahoma to collect the fruit from the tree because it repelled insects and that the branches of the trees were strong enough to use as arrows and that's how they got to our area of Texas. I think I did a little research on the tree after he told me that and found it to be true knowledge....

I also went to pick some fresh veggies out my very gracious friend Robin's garden.....Kale, Broccoli, Salad Burnet, Spinach and my very favorite Swiss Chard. Thankful? Yes, very much!

Well, that's about as interesting as it gets around here!!

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