Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ice Cream Festival

We went with Toby to the tat shop today so we could attend the Ice Cream Festival going on downtown. I really debated on it because of the high temps but in the end decided it beat staying home. They have festivals here almost every weekend and I hate missing out on them too.

The festival was about 6 blocks from the shop so we got Toby to drop us off at the park on his way to the shop. Normally 6 blocks doesn't phase us but with triple temps it's not very comfortable to walk in. I figured if he dropped us off atleast we only had the 6 blocks to walk back to the shop after the festival.

The festival was fun. Summer and I walked around and took in all the activities all the while pouring sweat. The weird thing about the weather here is even though it's 100 degrees as long as you find some shade it's comfortable. The unfortunate flip side to this is the shade is more scarce here than in Mobile.

Here are some pics of our outing:

They had some pretty cool popsicle stick creations there:

Taking a break to eat some VERY melting ice cream:

Summer with the Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Man:

Summer petting the animals in the petting zoo pen:

The walk back to the shop was of course sweltering. Thank goodness I was smart enough to bring frozen bottle water with us in my backpack. Water is what keeps us alive here in Central Texas.

Oh, and by the way still no rain. Hurricane Edwaurdo that was headed directly into Austin and was suppose to bring us our much needed rain totally dissapated before it reached us. The dry air here killed it as soon as it got to us. Uggggh......

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