Saturday, August 16, 2008


Toby took the weekend off from the tattoo shop this weekend. Our car finally reached the 100,000 mark so it was time to have the timing belt replaced. Our little red car has to last a long time so we take really good care of it no matter how "out of style" it may seem to all those SUV drivers. Although not pretty, it has been a very dependable car and we want to keep it that way. And best of all it's paid for!

Lucas always did all our car maintenance for us in Mobile so I was a little worried about what we would do to keep our old car maintained in a city of strangers. Fortunately, we have been blessed so far. We had to have one of our axles changed out when we first moved into our house. There was a shop here in our little city of Manor that did a very good job for us at a very reasonable price.

Since Toby has been working for Siddons Fire Apparatus we have access to mechanics that are very knowledgable. When Toby told me he was going to have our timing belt changed by one of the mechanics he works with I was a little worried about expertise. Toby reminded me that the mechanics at the shop he works are very reliable considering they work on million dollar fire trucks every day. Can't argue with that one!

So, it was nice having hubby home for the weekend. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary but run errands. The story of our life lately but it was nice even so.

Thank goodness the rain didn't start until after we got home because it was a gullywasher! It was a Godsend to see rain around here. Everyone in the neighborhood was standing out on their front porches watching it fall. Summer was even out there running around in it.:-)

While we were out today, I bought me a new tree to plant in my front yard. I had it sitting out in it's bucket to catch some of the rain that was coming down. The wind managed to knock it over so I had to run out in the rain to retrieve it and drag it to the porch.

I learned months ago that you can't buy anything cheap and lightweight to put outside. The cheap doormats that I originally bought for the house constantly get blown all over the place and the plastic outdoor furniture is always turned upside down. Next year these cheapos will replaced with wrought iron and heavyweight doormats. It's very breezy here.

Anyway, during our rainstorm Summer decided to pull out the old home movies. I LOVE pictures and home movies. It's always fun to look back on all the memories you have made. It's a way to look back on your life and remember all the good things instead of the negative things that most people remember.

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