Saturday, January 24, 2009

Grackle Fest!

When I first moved to Austin there were a lot of things that were different from the area I came from. It's strange how just half a day away topography, animal and plant life, people and ways of life can change noticeably...or maybe I just noticed it more because I had never ventured very far out of my Alabama Gulf Coast area.

But this bird....this bird called a Grackle, there is no way you could not notice this bird. His "call" is one that will make you stop, look, and listen. My son says it sounds electrical...I tend to agree. They are very prominent here in Austin hanging out in swarms in parking lots of shopping centers, the downtown area and every area in between.

At one point Summer and I did a little research on the Grackle for "school". In my research I found they are indigenous to the whole Southeast area. In my 40 plus years of living in the Southeast I have NEVER not once seen this particular bird.
Either way, they seem to be here to stay in Austin.

Today while out and about they seemed to be having a big Grackle party in the Tech Ridge shopping center. Luckily I had my camera on me and snapped some pics of their "party". I'm sure the pics will do their gathering no justice but maybe it will give you just a peek...

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