Sunday, April 18, 2010

"No Subject"

This post is just going to be a hodge-podge of our goings-on for the past few days. All last week was spent in Toyota dealerships and the credit union. The only thing noteworthy that came from last week was our new "ride".

Here is a peek at "Sally" for anyone interested:

I know most "normal" people don't post pictures of their newly purchased vehicles unless they might happen to be a DeLorian or something along those lines. I felt compelled to post my Yota because new vehicles are not the "norm" for us. I am very frugal and like to use something until it is not usable anymore...and that includes my vehicle.

Let's see...hmmmmm.....the weather has not been all that great lately. Not horrible, just not the sort of weather you like to see for this time of year. Mostly cloudy, muggy, rainy and cool for the past several days.

So yesterday Summer and I decided to attend the Earth Day Festival at McKinney Roughs. I debated on going because it was very cloudy and sprinkling. We finally made the decision to go since we had been planning on going all week. If nothing else, it would be a joy ride in "Sally".

Even though I only have one child at home, getting ready to go somewhere sometimes feels like I have ten. Since it was rainy and wet regular shoes had to be worn. For Summer and I wearing anything but flip flops is major trauma....especially for her.

Before we left Summer had a really big shoe dilemma which resulted in me getting very agitated, which in turn made Summer equally agitated. I won't give you the gory details but I will tell you that we finally made it out of the house with shoes and socks on.

In the commotion of trying to get out of the house I totally forgot to bring my camera. Too bad for me and you, but I am SO glad we decided to go because the ride along the farm road that lead to our destination was absolutely picturesque and BEAUTIFUL!! Nothing but cows, horses and wildflowers.

Not intending it to be, our day was also very educational. Summer and I learned alot at the Festival. We also got alot of freebies which is always nice.

After the festival closed down Summer and I were famished. We took the opportunity to drive on into Bastrop a few miles down the road in search of something to eat. We stopped at a Quizno's and had a nice lunch together.

I am looking forward to being able to post some interesting excursions in the next few days. Stay tuned...


  1. Cute car and again congrats! I see you kept Betsy ;~)

    We also recently (August '09)purchased a new vehicle after 12 years...I swore I'd drive my old van until it fell apart, but I sure am glad I didn't...I LOVE my new ride as well.

  2. It looks like there is a Mexican dog stuck under the back wheel of your car...
