Sunday, July 26, 2009


Today was uneventful for the most part. Not very often do I enjoy uneventful, but after my vacation last week I didn't mind a little down time at the house. Before Toby went to work we grilled some hamburgers and watched a movie with Summer.

After Toby left for work Summer and I spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool. The temps were scorching at 103 degrees as usual.

After cooling off in the pool we came inside took a shower and ate a whole large cantaloupe by ourselves. To this day I still don't know why swimming makes you so hungry.

Anyway, after our shower and snack we came upstairs to the computer. I recently had been given the opportunity to review the JumpStart Virtual World. We had been able to play around with it a little bit before we left for vacation. Mostly I was able to check out the articles and blog posts which are a great asset to the games themselves.

It didn't take me long at all to agree to review the Jumpstart software. I have always been sold on Jumpstart from the time Summer was old enough to play on the computer. Very few indoor activities will keep my daughter intrigued for very long. Jumpstart has always been able to keep her interested enough to remain glued to it for literally hours.

I once asked her what is was she loved so much about Jumpstart and she told me she really loved all the characters and how you could interact with them. She also loves the surprises waiting behind every door. Everyone loves suspense and Jumpstart definitely gives suspense and adventure to kids looking for that excitement that sneaks in learning opportunities.

As for me, the parent, I love that I can use it as a curriculum supplement while I am preparing other lessons or just need a break. Being a blogger myself, I also love the Jumpstart blog. You can check out their blog here.

1 comment:

  1. From what I understand, you actually burn more calories in the pool (even if you are just doing something simple like floating or walking) than you would doing a similar activity outside the pool. So no wonder you were hungry! Also, heat can have a large effect on caloric burning, because you body is trying hard to make sure you don't overheat. One of the reasons that saunas are so popular as a weight loss method!

    My youngest loves the Jumpstart line, but my eldest has trouble with it's speed--just part of her Dysgraphia, I guess. If there is a portion that is moving that she has to click she will invariably get frustrated and quit it, even if she understands the concept of the lesson, which is too bad. I'm glad you found something that works well for you!
