Saturday, February 9, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Yesterday morning I went and helped Robin plant some veggies in her garden. She's always more than generous with sharing her yield so I don't mind helping out in the least when she needs it. It also gives a chance to get caught up on all the gossip...she usually has way more interesting stuff to tell than I do.

I also don't have an aversion to the outdoors so I guess you could say everybody wins when it comes to the garden.

We cleaned the weeds out of the garden  then planted some broccoli, spinach, beets, and kale...and maybe some other stuff I just can't remember off the top of my head....

Robin is pretty calm when it comes to the critters trampling through the garden. If it were me and Bo was trampling around on my freshly planted veggies, I would be cursing and chasing him with the ..

We also collected some chicken eggs which Robin graciously sent home with me.....

More critters....

It was a nice morning enjoying friendship,sunshine, and fresh foods.

1 comment:

  1. I long to be outside. I am aware that when it does warm up, I will be outside all day long and then some. As much as I would like fresh eggs, I am afraid a chicken yard would be too hard to maintain with all the rest of my chores during camping season. Some campers told me about one of my competitors nearby who are not know for maintenance and cleanliness now have chickens ..... running loose throughout the park. Leaving um, evidence in their wake for unsuspecting campers to step in.
