Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dog Sitting

This morning our friend Ginny called us to ask a favor.....if we would "babysit" her dog for a little while while she worked. She has some personal issues going on at home and does not feel comfortable leaving her "baby" at home while she is not there.

Well, of course we didn't mind..what's one more dog when you already have one running around?? I knew Summer would love having a larger dog that chases balls and plays like a kid. Brandi, on the other hand was not impressed in the least and made it known that Phoebe was not a welcomed guest. I thought eventually they would warm up to each other but that never happened. I could see "snack" in Phoebe's eyes every time she looked at Brandi and Brandi likewise snarled at Phoebe every chance she got.

Needless to say, Brandi was kept in her kennel or locked in my bedroom so as I would not have bloodshed on my carpet.

Summer was much enjoying our unexpected company.

Summer trying to get the tennis ball out of Phoebe's mouth....

Summer and Phoebe hanging out on the stairs...

And in my bed.....

Around 2:00p.m Ginny came to pick up Phoebe. None of us had eaten lunch yet so we headed into the big city of Manor and ate at the Cafe 290. Toby and I LOVE this place but rarely eat there because we are usually in Austin when we are out and about. It's the best small town Southern cooking" kind of place. Austin doesn't have places like this to Ginny pointed out.

I even tried Fried Green Tomatoes for the first time. Ginny was a little surprised that I am from Alabama and have never tried them....not that we didn't have them in Alabama, they just never sounded appealing enough for me to try them. My assessment; they were pretty good.


  1. Your pics are so cute! Too bad the two dogs couldn't get along - but it would have been bad if they didn't - I agree! I love fried green tomatoes. I made some when the movie of the same name came out. Not bad!

  2. That first picture was just so darned funny. I'm sure it wasn't for your dog, firsthand, but there's just this look on that big dog's face that's very telling. Funny!

  3. Guess that gives you some insight on adding another doggy friend to your tribe. Brandi is obviously a spoiled little girl and was probably pretty ticked to be stuck in her crate while that other critter got the run of her

    Cute dog though. That was a very nice thing you did for your friend...better than words in so many ways!

  4. What a glorious way to spend a day :-)
